This is the first post in December, the last month of the year, and it was supposed to show drawings of “Saints on a Bridge.” But then I got a reminder that as a part of its series of “Writer’s Talks,” the Royce Branch of our Library at 207 Mill St. in Grass Valley, has invited me to be a guest writer/speaker.
So on Monday evening, 9 December at 5:00 p.m., I’ll say a few words about my book, “Double Vision, Waking Dreams.” That is, we’ll consider: Images and Imagination, Dreams and Soul. Oh yes, and Food.
The contents of my remarks are suitable for adults and children of all ages, so I welcome everyone in advance. Let’s have some fun. Please join me on Monday the 9th at 5:00 at the Library.
Next Post, next week: Saints on a Bridge.